Winter Fling Allstars at Cervantes - 01/04/20
Bowregard at the Buffalo Rose
The Wrecklunds at Buffalo Rose
Big Time Rascals - Recording Session 12/13/2018
Jackie & the Racket plus Thunder & Rain with Friends
Hilltop Harvest Band - 11/17/2018
Taarka - The Walnut Room 09/07/2018
The Grace Clark Band at The Walnut Room - 09/07/2018
Daniella Katzir Band - Cervantes May, 2017
Meadow Mountain - Cervantes 03/29/2018
Turkeyfoot - Cerebral Brewing
Meadow Mountain at Cervantes - 12/8/2017
Daniella Katzir Band - Ophelia's - November, 2015